Union Member's Code of Conduct

Union Member's code of conduct

No Member of the Union should:

  1. Act in a disorderly manner on College premises or those set aside for Union use.

  2. Act in any way, at any time, so as to bring the Union into disrepute.

  3. Act in any way contrary to the Aims and Objectives of the Union as defined by the Constitution.

  4. Incur un-authorised expenditure of Union monies, or hold Club monies outside of the Union.

  5. Communicate or affiliate with persons or organisations outside the Union in the name of the Union without specific authority from the Union.

  6. Cause damage to Union property, including equipment.

  7. Facilitate the participation by non members in Goldsmiths Students’ Union activities.

  8. Act in an antisocial manner to the detriment of the Students’ Union and its’ members, including ‘initiations’.

  9. Physically or verbally assault another member or guest of the Students’ Union.

  10. Physically or verbally assault staff members of the Union.

  11. Reveal material deemed to be confidential.

  12. Breach the Equal Opportunities Policy.

  13. Print or broadcast any material of an offensive, defamatory or libelous/ slanderous nature.

Members of the Union should:

Ensure that all information disseminated is fair and accurate, avoids the expression of comment and conjecture as established and falsification by distortion, selection or misrepresentation.

Any members of the Union who act in contravention of the above will be subject to disciplinary procedures.

Last updated

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